Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tooth #2

Archer has been a little grumpy pants.. And one day while he was crying I saw another little white bump in his mouth!!! Another tooth?? What?!? He seems to forget it is there in the day but at night he is super grumpy!! He is growing up way too fast!! On Sunday archer and I were in the foyer and I had let him crawl around in the lower part of it and next thing I know he climbed up three stairs to go see the other babies!! All by himself! I didn't show him that he needed to put both legs on one step to reach up to the next one or anything. He just did it! Like eh no big deal! I was amazed!! My little baby is growing up so much!! I love to watch him figure stuff out. The other day I had put a laundry basket on top of him (like a turtle shell) and he figured out how to take it off.
Yesterday I put him in a patterned onsie and he just looked at it for like three minutes. He was so interested in it. He loves to take books off the shelves and to stand up by himself. He loves to lick everything.. And I mean everything!! With his teeth he can bite through a cutie orange.. (Verrrrry messy!!!) and he is a pro at sitting up. It is so crazy how much bigger he has gotten in just the last month!! My little baby isn't so little anymore!! But it's exciting to watch him grow and learn. I love archer. I know Kabe does too. It's such a blessing to be is mom. I'm also blessed to have Kabe as my husband and partner. A father to archer and I'm so glad to be sealed to both of them!!

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