Archer is now 6 months old!! Ahhh!!! I'm FREAKING out!! Where did time go?? Why did my little baby have to get so big so quick?? What was it like when you weren't mobile?? I ask myself these questions almost every day! Archer is pretty much crawling. No 6 month old is supposed to crawl!!!! The other day I was doing dishes and I heard something fall and I go into the living room (like three steps away) and he had pulled a mirror onto his head, and got a little bruise from it... now the bumps and bruises begin. He also doesn't just crawl to things. He has now figured out how to roll from his tummy to his back. He can almost sit up... but he falls after like five seconds. He LOVES big people food. Not the big people food pureed and fed to him with a little person spoon. No. The big people food mom and dad eat. If he could he would eat the same meals mom and dad do. But we don't let him.. I will every once in a while let him gnaw on my apple core or something like that. But he has totally refused little people food for now... Last week we thought he was sick so we took him in.. they said that he was just teething and that the bottom left front tooth was coming in. (I know there has to be a smarter name for that tooth.. I just don't know it.) So needless to say I haven't been getting very much sleep, or anything done around the house...
6 months ago on this day at 7:53am Archer Ray Miller was born. One of the greatest days of my life. :] He has blessed my life more than anyone could ever know and more than I ever could have thought.
Archer Ray
6 months
14.3 lbs
25 3/8 inches
Hey, I didn't realize you had a blog. This is great, now I actually feel like I'm not completely out of the loop with you guys. I can't believe Archer is already 6 months old (and we have never met him yet). He is such a handsome little guy, I LOVE the pictures.