Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mission #2

Mission #2

Stick With The Schedule!!!!
Kabe and I decided that our lives were kind of hectic so we decided that we were going to make a schedule and this is how its supposed to go..
8:25 am: Wake up
8:30 am: Family Scripture Study
9:00 am: Personal Scripture Study
11:15 am: Prep for Lunch
11:40 am: Lunch
12:00 pm: Kabe leaves for school
3 or 3:30 pm: Kabe gets home
5:30 pm: Prep for Dinner
6:00 pm: Dinner
9:00 pm: Bath Time
9:30 pm: Story Time
10:00 pm: Archers Bed Time
10:30 pm: Mom and Dad Bed Time

Well.... It doesn't happen like that...
The first part of the day goes just like planned. Reading scriptures has made such a HUGE difference in our marriage!! its crazy!! But after dinner the Schedule kinda goes down the drain! Archer doesn't sleep in his own bed... I know.. I know... he is SPOILED ROTTEN!!! Well news flash... He will ALWAYS be spoiled rotten. Its easier because he still wakes up about ever two hours to eat at night. He will eventually not want to sleep with us.... ha but as I was saying he doesn't sleep in his own bed, and he also sets his own bed time as of right now. Next month we are going to try the CIO (cry it out) method. :( I hate letting him cry!!! But after I finally get Archer down I want to hang out with Kabe as much as I can so we usually stay up till 11:30 or midnight talking or playing Nintendo 64. That is not good when we wake up at 8:25 in the morning!!!!! So I'm going to try and stick with our schedule better... I've been doing pretty good with the making dinner.. It could get better... I'm still trying. I don't think Kabe has gained any weight yet... but I don't know if he ever will... So that is my goal for this week.. Get better at sticking to our schedule. I hope it gets better... because Kabe can hardly wake up in the morning...

Anyway, I used to just shower with Archer because it is so easy and so quick! Then I decided to give him a bath one day and he smiled the WHOLE time!!! He LOVED it!!! I don't care how much harder it is to try and give him a bath! I'm only giving baths!! He was so cute!!

He loves his duckies and He LOVES to splash! And I have a feeling that he is going to be a swimmer.... :)
I love to just watch him move his arms and legs like he is going to crawl, or to swim. He is so stinking cute! I love bath time! He is so cute.
When we took him in for his four month he got three shots.. :( if you ever want to feel like a horrible mom... give your totally innocent baby shots... Archer reacted so bad to these shots. He was so sore and swollen and red... he was so fussy that I had to call Kabe and had him come home from school because he was just screaming. :( but I gave him a warm bath and got him to calm down. He was doing better about two days after he got his shots.
He is the sweetest little man in the world. He has become a little talker. He LOVES to talk and complain. He will just sit there and talk to you if you talk back to him. I love my sweet little boy.
Also he does this super goofy smile

I love my family. Kabe is an amazing husband and is working hard in school. Archer is growing so fast. I love both of them with all of my heart. <3 Missing both our families like crazy!

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