Saturday, January 26, 2013

Mission #3 Teaching the Children

Mission #3
Teaching the Children.

In February I have the opportunity to give the lesson in relief society and the lesson is on Elder L. Tom Perrys' conference talk, Becoming Goodly Parents. As I am preparing this lesson, and reading this talk over and over, it keeps coming to me again and again that I am responsible for teaching the children.(my husband is too, but I will be home with them most of the time.) I have to teach them what is right and wrong. To be accepting, but not to follow those examples. That there is no grey area. Just black and white. Good and evil. "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon" Matthew 6:24 There is no more sitting on the fence. Living in this twisted world we live in is hard enough.. I now have to raise a honorable and worthy young man. But I guess that is why we aren't supposed to do it alone.  I have the most amazing man at my side to help me teach our children. By no means are we perfect. But every day is a new day and you can always be better today. Teaching the gospel starts in everyday things like reading scriptures, family and personal prayer, FHE, going to church (with the right attitude) and being an example. The things you do and say will be picked up by your children. For example: When I taught primary, we were playing a matching game with animals. One of the sisters in the primary was trying to match a cat. She then picked up a fox and under her breath said "oh that darn fox!!" It was then our little primary boy's turn and he picked up the exact card and said "oh that darn fox!!" we all looked at each other in shock because he picked it up so quickly. Or if you as a parent complain about going to church, and how long it is and how you could be doing other things they will pick up on your attitude. They might not look like they are paying attention but they are. They listen to almost every thing we say and watch almost every thing we do. I know that you learn a lot from watching someone, lets have our kids learn the best things from watching us. This world is scary, screwed up and cruel, but I know that if we are in the world not of the world we will be alright. In the world: we live here. Of the world: we think of worldly things, do worldly things, and say worldly things. We want to live in the world, not be of the world. Yes everyone messes up, and I'm not perfect by far. I'm also not expecting my children to be perfect, I just want them to be better than me. I want to teach them things that I never took the time to learn. I want them to excel in not only the gospel but in their righteous desires too.  I want to be able to teach them so they can be able to go out and teach others.
  "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
 16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!" D&C 18:15-16
I know that teaching them wont be easy. They wont be perfect. But I know that I wont do it alone. My Father in Heaven will be there with me every second of the way.“For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37). Nothing shall be impossible. I love that. I love this gospel and I love my family.

Miller Family Update!!
Kabe got an internship for over the summer. Its really close to what he really wants to do. We will stay where we are and his work is only like five minutes away. A couple of weeks ago he got an email saying that his work is going to be having a meeting in Las Vegas with some of their really big clients. They asked if Kabe would go!! He has been wanting to go back down since the last time we went!! (2011) They will pay for our gas to get there and for his food! We will be staying with Kabes uncle and aunt! I'm so excited! Kabe will be gone a lot with meetings, but I will be okay I have Janice to entertain me! I'm so ready to get out of the cold weather and into some sun!!!! Its supposed to get up to 64 degrees thursday and friday!! HELLO SHORTS!!! just kidding.... but seriously. I'm so excited!!
Archer has been so close to rolling over! From his back to his tummy!! We tried rice cereal... it didn't go so well.. he doesn't know how to use a spoon... haha but he will get better. He has been super fussy... but I think he is just a brat... I love him. He is so much fun and brings so much happiness into our lives! :] he also LOVES to spit!

he toots in this one...
sorry its upside down

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mission #2

Mission #2

Stick With The Schedule!!!!
Kabe and I decided that our lives were kind of hectic so we decided that we were going to make a schedule and this is how its supposed to go..
8:25 am: Wake up
8:30 am: Family Scripture Study
9:00 am: Personal Scripture Study
11:15 am: Prep for Lunch
11:40 am: Lunch
12:00 pm: Kabe leaves for school
3 or 3:30 pm: Kabe gets home
5:30 pm: Prep for Dinner
6:00 pm: Dinner
9:00 pm: Bath Time
9:30 pm: Story Time
10:00 pm: Archers Bed Time
10:30 pm: Mom and Dad Bed Time

Well.... It doesn't happen like that...
The first part of the day goes just like planned. Reading scriptures has made such a HUGE difference in our marriage!! its crazy!! But after dinner the Schedule kinda goes down the drain! Archer doesn't sleep in his own bed... I know.. I know... he is SPOILED ROTTEN!!! Well news flash... He will ALWAYS be spoiled rotten. Its easier because he still wakes up about ever two hours to eat at night. He will eventually not want to sleep with us.... ha but as I was saying he doesn't sleep in his own bed, and he also sets his own bed time as of right now. Next month we are going to try the CIO (cry it out) method. :( I hate letting him cry!!! But after I finally get Archer down I want to hang out with Kabe as much as I can so we usually stay up till 11:30 or midnight talking or playing Nintendo 64. That is not good when we wake up at 8:25 in the morning!!!!! So I'm going to try and stick with our schedule better... I've been doing pretty good with the making dinner.. It could get better... I'm still trying. I don't think Kabe has gained any weight yet... but I don't know if he ever will... So that is my goal for this week.. Get better at sticking to our schedule. I hope it gets better... because Kabe can hardly wake up in the morning...

Anyway, I used to just shower with Archer because it is so easy and so quick! Then I decided to give him a bath one day and he smiled the WHOLE time!!! He LOVED it!!! I don't care how much harder it is to try and give him a bath! I'm only giving baths!! He was so cute!!

He loves his duckies and He LOVES to splash! And I have a feeling that he is going to be a swimmer.... :)
I love to just watch him move his arms and legs like he is going to crawl, or to swim. He is so stinking cute! I love bath time! He is so cute.
When we took him in for his four month he got three shots.. :( if you ever want to feel like a horrible mom... give your totally innocent baby shots... Archer reacted so bad to these shots. He was so sore and swollen and red... he was so fussy that I had to call Kabe and had him come home from school because he was just screaming. :( but I gave him a warm bath and got him to calm down. He was doing better about two days after he got his shots.
He is the sweetest little man in the world. He has become a little talker. He LOVES to talk and complain. He will just sit there and talk to you if you talk back to him. I love my sweet little boy.
Also he does this super goofy smile

I love my family. Kabe is an amazing husband and is working hard in school. Archer is growing so fast. I love both of them with all of my heart. <3 Missing both our families like crazy!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Archer Ray Miller

Archer Ray Miller
4 months 7 days
Weight: 13.01
Height: 24.75 in

Archer Ray Miller 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mission #1

Mission #1 Become a better wife.

My new years resolution is to become a better wife and a mother. 
Starting with cooking for my WAY too skinny husband! I usually don't have a plan or an idea of what we are going to eat so we end up eating ramen noodle stir fry for three days in a row, or getting some cheap pizza, or making and egg sandwich. You get the picture. So I am going to plan out meals so my poor husband can start packing on the pounds.(it probably wont ever happen! he has the metabolism of a 16 year old!) Yesterday it didn't go so well. I made what was supposed to be orange chicken with rice.. but it tasted like orange with a little rice. NO chicken!!! FAIL!! So instead of forcing my husband to eat the nasty stuff that even I refused to eat. I made scones instead. I don't have a bread maker, or a mixer, so I did this all by hand. Man was I impressed by my skills!! My husband tried a bite and said "you're HIRED!!" I guess I was fired cause of that nasty chicken.. But I did it. The scones turned out to be amazing! I even made a sugar syrup to go with them! :) I don't mind cooking when I feel like I can make something good! Two days in a row I have had something planned to eat!

On a side note, My sweet little 4 month old is a stinking smarty pants!! Here is the whole story.

Yesterday: Archer (4 month old) was sort of smiling at Kabe (Husband) and I, it almost looked like he was trying to hold his smile in by sucking on his bottom lip. We just laughed at him for a little bit and were wondering where he learned how to do that, then it hit me!! Earlier that day I was just messing around and teaching Archer to say mamamamamama and I had put my top lip over my bottom lip in an exaggerated way so that he would look at my face. Little did I know that he was studding me so he could do it too. He just makes the face and coos, so its not saying mamamama but he is getting the idea. I have a feeling we wont be able to keep him quiet when he figures out how to talk. He is too much like his daddy! Smart and Cute!!! I'm going to have to beat the girls away!! I already have to beat his aunts away! ;)

Here is a video of him sort of doing it!! :] 

Update:Dr. Appointment

Archer now weighs 13 lbs
He is 24 1/2 inches tall (25%)

Shots. :( this is the worst he has ever reacted to them.