Friday, February 15, 2013

Mission #5 New Things

Mission #5 New things.

1. Archer is a little rolling machine!
2. Archer is a copy cat.
3. Archer is starting to scoot.
4. We think (notice how I said "we think") Archer is getting a tooth! (I don't really know if he is... its my first baby! I just know he is very very very fussy!! And not sick.)
5. Archer has started solid (well not really solid, more like pureed solids) food.

1. Archer first decided to roll over when we were in Vegas. He can roll from his back to his tummy really really well. He loves to be on his tummy cause he can see so much more. He loves to be on the ground for about five minutes.. any longer than that and he will start to cry.

2. Archer has been a little thinking. He will watch you do something and he will mimic it. He will move his hand when you wave at him. He will TRY and make the same sounds as you when you make sounds at him. He will pull faces that I guess I make to him all the time (Kabe told me so.) Archer is too smart for his (and our) own good. He can watch and mimic very very well. I'm in a lot of trouble with this one....

3. Archer is starting to get up on all fours. Sometimes he will only push with his legs and his little booty will go so high in the air that I'm afraid he is going to do a front flip!! He doesn't have the whole leg arm leg arm movement down yet. He will get up on all fours and just dive forward and sprawl his arms and legs out. :] He is so much fun to have in our home.

4. We THINK Archer is getting a tooth.. We have no idea what is wrong with him. All we know is that we don't get enough sleep, or time where he is not screaming... I just hope it is a tooth and it will show itself here soon.. and then he can go back to being the really happy loving baby that he was. :]

5. Archer loves carrots.. Well not like real carrots that are sticks of orange goodness. But of the mashed orange stuff that looks the same going in as it does coming out! (Ewww... sorry!) But he loves carrots. He HATES and refuses to eat the rice cereal. He is a little messy though when he eats... he is still learning how to get the food to stay in his mouth. He doesn't do a good job at closing his mouth all the way when he is eating. I'm sure he will get better, but for now he is just a messy little boy. :]

Archer is getting so so big! I love him, but I also miss the little tiny baby that he once was. I know everyone told me to enjoy them while they are young, and I did, but I didn't know that they would grow so fast!!! :[ boo.

Valentines day was amazing! :]

Archer and I matched. Red pants and a white shirt. :] Kabe got me some Chocolate covered Strawberries. :] Some manicure things and a red rose. :] <3 I don't know if I could be more spoiled.  I'm glad Kabe had the whole day off so we could spend time together as a family!! :] I really couldn't have asked for a better day. I'm so glad that I have these two men in my life. :] They bless me every day more than they even know. 

dinner was amazing too!!!! :] homemade!! booya!! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Mission #4

Mission #4
Last week Kabe, Archer and I drove down to Las Vegas. Never again will we drive with an infant. It was very miserable. The stretch of road from St. George to Las Vegas he screamed the whole time.  Babies cry. Sometimes even scream. That's all I kept thinking to myself. I wasn't driving at the time Archer started to cry. Kabe was, and I can deal with a screaming child, but I don't know how well I would handle it if I had to drive. Lets just say when we got there Kabe wasn't too fond of Archer.

We got there late Monday night. Kabe, Scott, and I played Settlers of Catan and I won!! BOOYA!! Kabe went to work Tuesday through Thursday around 9am to around 9pm. It was a very weird three days. Then when he got home he had to do more homework for the school that he missed. But Janice (Kabes aunt) kept me busy. We went to lunch and made some really cute banners, she even taught me how to make big pom pom balls out of tissue paper. I even went in for a teeth cleaning!! :] no cavities! On Saturday Kabe and I played soccer with some cousins! It was a blast! I really couldn't have asked for better weather! Some of the cousins came and played with me all day long! They are that awesome that they just dropped everything to come and help me so I wasn't lonely!! I married into one AWESOME family!! We didn't want to leave! it was 70 degrees when we left. :[ we came home to snow on the ground.... and it snowed again on Friday. Boo. 

Seriously, this was one of the best weeks of my life! I had so much fun hanging out with everyone. It stinks that they live so far away! 

Life keeps moving! Its crazy! 
My little baby isn't so little anymore! 

My Liv BUGS is going on a mission!! 

She will do amazing things. I love this girl. She is my hero. I know that we will always be best friends! She has an amazing testimony and I know she is going to bless so many lives. She has already blessed mine. I love her and she is an amazing example and has so much in store for her! She has lived a life of many stories, and trials but she can overcome them with a smile! "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16. Liv does just that. I will miss her for those 18 months, but I know with all of my heart she will be a wonderful missionary! 

My Yacamo is getting married!! 

Through thick and thin this girl has been there! So excited to see her getting married and getting all she has ever wanted! I'm so proud of her! I love this one to death! I'm so glad that she found someone who knows how to treat a girl right!! She deserves it! A brunette and a blonde with an inseparable bond. 

Vanilla && Chocolate. 

Sometimes I feel like my life is spinning out of control, and I cant stop it from moving so fast. I wonder if it will always feel like this? I guess all you can do is enjoy the moments. Don't look to the past, or the future. Focus on the now.


That's why we call it the PRESENT! 

Over && Out! :]